Your Support is Key!

Your support keeps the music alive on The Summit FM. Your donation will keep the riches and rewards of inspired independent music playing on The Summit FM for everyone.

To give a gift membership, fill out the form with your personal information, and put the recipients personal information in the "Comments" section. Be sure to include their name, mailing address, email and phone number.

For contest entry only please write

Please complete the following form. Fields marked * are required.

Personal Details
We send you all of your Summit Member invitations via email.
(First name and city only)
Are you a new or renewing member?
Your Pledge
Your sustaining pledge automatically renews as long as you want! You receive our latest thank you gift every year automatically!
Specify the amount per month
*NOTE* For credit cards you will be taken to Paya Payment Services to securely enter the information after the VERIFY step at the bottom of the page is complete and you submit your pledge.
Electronic Funds Transfer
To confirm you have read our EFT Policy and agree to ongoing bank debits, please sign above in the format of /First Last/
Comments and/or Gift Recipient Info
Please validate above

Thank you for your support